Rules & Regulations || Shambhu Dayal Global School

SESSION 2023-24

  1. Prepare a time table for study. Keep in mind the subjects in which you are weak.
  2. Revise each problem and question as given in the books.
  3. Reach the examination centre at least an hour before the commencement of the paper specially on the first day, keeping time for unexpected delay
  4. Visit the washroom before entering the hall to avoid a break in concentration during the exam.

During the Exam

  1. Enter the exam hall equipped with the essentials-a geometry box, a pencil box with the required pencils, pens and eraser.
  2. Remember no written material is allowed in examination hall. Check your pockets to avoid unnecessary checks by the invigilators.
  3. Time management is essential.
    • Make good use of the 15 minutes reading time.
    • Read the question paper thoroughly
    • Keep 15 minutes for revision
  4. Presentation of the written matter is important
    • Underline the headings and main points.
    • Leave a line or two after each answer.
    • Use a pencil for the diagram and label appropriately.
  5. Concentrate and keep your eyes on your work. Avoid eye contact with other students

  1. The school gate will close 5 minutes before the bell rings.
  2. Late Arrivals will be sent home immediately.


  • All parents are requested to check the complete school uniform of their ward and their bag before they send them to school
  • In case of violation of rules, appropriate action will be taken (financial penalties can be taken). In case of severe act of indiscipline, the child will be rusticated.
  • The school reserves the right to modify the rules without prior notice.

  1. If a student needs to be withdrawn from the school, the parents must submit a notice/application in writing at least one month in advance In such a case, all the dues of the notice period will be charged
  2. Transfer certificates will be issued only after all the dues are cleared by the parents/guardian
  3. Misbehaviour on the part of parents/guardians with any member of the school staff may lead to withdrawal of the students from the school

  1. Parents are expected to go through the school calendar carefully. We expect the parents to comeregularly and meet the concerned teachers to discuss not only academic but the non-academicareas also.
  2. Parents may please see that their child adheres to the school uniform strictly.
  3. Carrying cell phones, unruly hair and fancy hair clips are not allowed. Skirt hemlines should beknee length. Oversize, undersize and shabby uniform is not allowed. Low waist and narrow trousers are not allowed.
  4. Parents/Guardians are not allowed to enter classrooms to meet their children or to seek unscheduled interviews with teachers during school hours.
  5. No strangers are allowed to meet children
  6. Travelling by motorized vehicles to school is totally banned.
  7. Parents and guardians must immediately inform the school in case there is a change in their address and/or telephone number.
  8. Children are expected to come to school in uniform on their birthdays, PTMs and Open house Days
  9. Parents are requested to send the student’s personal record duly filled and signed to their class teacher.
  10. Last but not the least we expect parents and guardians to be cordial and polite with staff of the school even in the most tense situation.

  1. If the student causes damage to school property he/she will be charged with a fine.
  2. Leaving the school premises without permission, disobedience, unruly behaviour and vulgar language will be considered as acts of indiscipline and may lead to strict action Like suspension or expulsion etc.
  3. Habitual late comings, irregular attendance and frequent absence from school are also acts of indiscipline and will be taken very seriously.
  4. Students are not permitted to carry cell phones to the school. Use of school phone will be permitted in case of emergency.
  5. Students are not allowed to drive motorized vehicles inside or outside the school as there is no license below the age of 18 years.
  6. Students are advised to come in clean, ironed and complete uniform, otherwise school authorities will not allow them to attend the school.


  • Under CBSE guidelines school has full authority to fine, warn, detain and expel indiscipline students.
  • Students and parents can mail their complaints to the given mail id :

  1. Your child should be ready for the school at least half an hour before the school time.
  2. In case your child is not ready, the school van/ bus will not wait. Then you have to drop your child yourself.
  3. Please come in the specified time at the specified stop to drop and pick up your child from the van/bus during the estimated time.
  4. In case your child is unwell and not coming to school please inform reception /van driver by 7:00 am or 45 minutes before time.
  5. If the student is not using school transport he/she must reach school on time.
  6. Parents/guardians who will come to pick and drop the child must deposit their passport size photograph at the school reception and fill in details on the prescribed form which will be provided to you
  7. Students availing the transport facility are required to keep their student identity card with them at all time, while travelling in the bus.
  8. In case of any problem, the parents are advised to avoid any arguments with drivers and conductors. They should immediately contact the school authorities on the phone numbers given on the bus, or the phone numbers given in the diary. The school will ensure appropriate action in such circumstances.
  9. If you want to avail or discontinue the school transport in between the academic session, then also you have to pay the transport fee for the whole session.
  10. If on any particular day your ward has to come with any other made of transport than opted one,kindly send one application before or on the same day in the morning at reception.

  1. Your personality, your manners and your behavior, both in school and out of school, should reflect that you belong to a good school like SHAMBHU DAYAL GLOBAL SCHOOL
  2. Respect for elders, love and care for younger children should be visible in your behavior at all times.
  3. In all your dealings with others, you are expected not only to be courteous and polite, but also truthful and honest.
  4. The school is yours, so are the classrooms. Do remember to keep them neat and clean
  5. We expect that you will treat the school property, desks and chairs with care,
  6. Discipline, punctuality, regularity and obedience should be the hallmark of a student of SHAMBHU DAYAL GLOBAL SCHOOL
  7. As a good student, you will always maintain your own targets of academic performance and aim to do better every coming year.
  8. Being modern is the need of the day, yet you must in touch with your own culture and traditions
  9. You will make an active effort to face any problem in life with courage, confidence and conviction,
  10. Your confidence will grow only when you learn to take your own decisions, and be responsible for the choice you have made.
  11. A good life is impossible without good health hence you must make a special effort to remain physically fit.
  12. Help school to form no danger zone.
  13. You must be aware of your duty towards the environment and the future of the earth
  14. You must strive not only to become a good human being but also to become a good citizen of our great nation, India.

  1. If your ward is not coming to the school please send a Leave Application next day or when the ward comes to school
  2. In case the ward becomes sick with fever, stomach aches, vomiting or if injury happens in the school, we will provide only first aid. No medicine will be given. The parents will be called to take the ward at home.
  3. No half day leave is permitted in case of any family function or other major reason, parents are requested not to send the child to the school.
  4. Children are expected to attend school regularly. All students have a minimum attendance of 75% of the total working days in the academic session If the ward does not complete 75% of attendance in the academic session he/she will not be permitted to appear for the final examination
  5. Leave will not be permitted unless parents/guardian submits an application well in advance for valid reasons.
  6. In case of sickness for more than three days, a medical certificate must be attached with the leave application.
  7. If the child is absenting from school more than 15 days without any application/notice the school authority has the right to strike his/her name from the nominal rolls

This Code of Conduct is an unsigned agreement between the Parent Carer, Visitor and SHAMBHU DAYAL GLOBAL SCHOOL.

At SHAMBHU DAYAL GLOBAL SCHOOL we are very proud and fortunate to have a very dedicated and supportive school community. At our school the staff, in charges, parents and carers all recognize that the education of our children is a partnership between us. We expect our school community to respect our school ethos, keep our school tidy, set a good example of their own behavior both in school premises and when accompanying classes on school visits

In addition we also expect our parents, carers and visitors to keep our children safe by adhering to the school’s request to park safely outside the school gates during morning and afternoon collections. As a partnership we are all aware of the importance of good working relationships and all recognize the importance of these relationships to equip our children with the necessary skills for their education. For these reasons we will continue to welcome and encourage parents and carers to participate fully in the life of our school.

The purpose of this code of conduct is to provide the expectations around the conduct of all parents, carers and visitors connected to our school.

We are committed to resolve difficulties in a constructive manner, through an open and positive dialogue. However we understand that everyday misunderstandings can cause frustrations and have a negative impact on our relationships. Where issues arise or misconceptions take place, please contact your ward’s class teacher, coordinators or the Supervisor, who will be available to meet with you and go through the issue and hopefully resolve it. Where issues remain unresolved, please follow the school’s complaints procedure. This is available on the school website or a copy can be requested from the school office.

This code aims to clarify the types of behavior that will not be tolerated and seeks parental agreement to these expectations.

The code of conduct also sets out the actions; the school can take any action if this code of conduct will be ignored or where breaches occur.



  • Disruptive behavior which interferes or threatens to interfere with any of the schools normal operation or activities anywhere in the school premises.
  • Any inappropriate behavior in the school premises
  • Using loud or offensive language or displaying temper.
  • Threatening in any way, a member of staff, visitor, fellow parent/carer or child.
  • Damaging or destroying school property
  • Sending abusive or threatening emails or text / voice mail / phone messages or other written communications (including social media) to anyone within the school community

  • Keep away from the road as the school bus approaches
  • Wait until the bus has stops and the door opens, before stepping into the bus or out on the footpath.
  • Do not run to board the bus
  • Never put head, arms or hands out of the window.
  • Do not throw any papers, packets, water from the bottle out of the window. You are liable to injure someone driving on the road or even cause an accident.



  1. Students should attend the school regularly and should reach the school on time.
  2. Their absence must be intimated to the school through application signed by parents or guardian
  3. Students must come in proper, neat and clean school uniform.
  4. Unruly hair, odd hair style, hair clips and jewellery are strictly prohibited. Clips and hair bands, if used, should be black in color only.
  5. Parents must check the diary every day and inspect the bag of their children on a regular basis.
  6. Students are expected to take proper care of the school property. It is for their convenience. They should not break any item of furniture and fixtures within the school
  7. Damage and breakage must be reported immediately to the concerned authority
  8. If the student causes damage to school property he/she will be charged with a fine.
  9. Students should not damage or remove things and belongings of other students,
  10. Attendance is compulsory for celebration of National Days.
  11. It is not advisable for students to bring valuables to the school The school will not be held responsible for the loss of personal belongings
  12. Students are forbidden from purchasing eatables from unauthorized vendors/hawkers near the school premises.
  13. Leaving the school premises without permission, disobedience, unruly behavior and vulgar language will be considered acts of indiscipline and may lead to strict action
  14. Habitual late comings, irregular attendance and frequent absence from school are also acts of indiscipline and will be taken very seriously
  15. While coming to or going back from school, students must behave in a responsible manner, follow traffic rules and not to take any risk on the road,
  16. Students should avoid running in the corridors and on the staircases. Office areas to be avoided.
  17. No money collection for any purpose is allowed without any prior permission of the Principal
  18. Any student found cheating in the exam will be awarded zero in the paper,
  19. Students are not permitted to carry cell phones to the school. Use of the school phone will be permitted only in case of emergency
  20. Students are not allowed to drive motorized vehicles inside or outside the school as license is not issued below the age of 18 years.
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